Thursday 31 January 2019

Management Recommendations of Cystitis in Pregnancy

Urine specimen must be taken for culture and sensitivity before initiating treatment. The mid-stream urine sample and clean catch urine samples are preferred. For the purpose the first part of the urine is discarded and a 10 ml of the sample is collected in the sterile container for sample analysis.
Empirical treatment can then be initiated with trimethoprim, nitrofurantoin or cephalexin and if the sensitivity of the cultured organisms is identified then adjustments to the antibiotic can be made accordingly.
The pain and fever can be managed with the use of paracetamol, and at the end of completion of antibiotic regimen after 7 days, again urine sample is collected for examination of complete eradication of bacteria.
During pregnancy every month the urine sample is collected for analysis of asymptomatic symptoms.

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