Thursday 25 April 2019

Vasoconstrictor Sympathomimetic

Answer: b-Norepinephrine bitartrate.

Raynaud Syndrome

Answer: a-Nifedipine

Raynaud Syndrome or Raynaud’s phenomenon is a medical condition in which spasms of the arteries causes reduced blood flow, usually fingers are affected and less commonly toes are involved. Specifically dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers such as Amlodipine or Nifedipine are preferred as first line agent.

Calcium Channel Blockers

Answer: d- Ivabradine
Ivabradine which is a cardiotonic agent is used in the management of stable cardiac pain and heart failure not fully controlled by beta blockers, the use of Ivabradine with verapamil or diltiazem is contraindicated.


Answer: b & d

Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist

Answer: d-Valsartan

Saturday 13 April 2019

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Answer: e- Moxonidine

Doxazosin, Terazosin, Prazosin and Indoramin are all indicated in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Moxonidine is new centrally acting imidazoline α2 agonist which is used to treat hypertension when all other means of treatment with thiazide diuretics, calcium channel blockers, beta blockers and ACE Inhibitors fail.

Migraine Headache

Answer: e- Clonidine
Clonidine is imidazole derivative hypotensive agent is a centrally acting α2 adrenergic agonist, which can be used in migraine headaches.

Oral Iron Chelator

Answer: c- Deferiprone
Deferiprone is an oral iron chelator used as a second line agent in iron overload in Thalassemia due to blood transfusion.

Erectile Dysfunction

Answer: e-Sildenafil.
Sildenafil is used to treat erectile dysfunction in men; it works by blocking enzyme phosphodiesterase 5, which is responsible for the breakdown of cGMP, which regulates blood flow in the penis.

Side Effect of ACE Inhibitor

Answer:c-Dry Cough

Friday 5 April 2019

Beta Blocker In Pregnancy

Answer: d- Labetalol

Labetalol is preferred to be used in hypertension in pregnancy and endorsing its superiority over alpha methyldopa.

Topical nasal decongestants

Answer: d- a&c

Ephedrine nasal drops and Xylometazoline hydrochloride which is alpha adrenergic agonist are sympathomimetic nasal decongestants.

Water Soluble Beta Blockers

Answer: e- All of the above.

Atenolol, Sotalol, Nadolol, Celiprolol are all water soluble beta blockers and are less likely to cross blood brain barrier, and less likely to cause sleep disturbances and nightmares than lipid soluble beta blockers.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Alkaloid for Arrhythmia

Answer: d-Quinidine

Quinidine is an alkaloid used in the treatment of arrhythmias.

Thiazide Diuretics

Answer: e-Eplerenone

Eplerenone is a medication used alone or in combination with other medicines to treat high blood pressure. It is mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist. It works by blocking the action of aldosterone in the body that is responsible for raising blood pressure.